Giving back is in my blood; I remember one Christmas when I was a kid, my dad had the whole family at a church mission where our family Christmas present was to replace their furnace. Volunteering was an important part of our lives and I have been volunteering for as long as I can remember,” says Sarah Meyer, Presbyterian SeniorCare Foundation and Presbyterian SeniorCare Network board member, where members of both boards are all volunteers. Sarah has faithfully served on the Presbyterian SeniorCare Network board since 1983, serving as Chair from 2002-2006. She has served on the Presbyterian SeniorCare Foundation board since 2002, serving as Chair from 2006 to 2015. In 2006, she was awarded Trustee of the Year from LeadingAge PA for her years of outstanding board service. Over the years, Sarah has worked tirelessly to raise funds for capital improvements and special projects.
Sarah, a former teacher turned interior designer, has been a vital part of many of the milestones in Presbyterian SeniorCare Network’s history. Since helping with the interior design at Woodside Place of Oakmont more than 25 years ago, Sarah went on to collaborate with other designers and provide pro bono services for many of our building and renovation projects. As Board Chair, she spearheaded several successful capital campaigns to benefit the Network. Sarah exemplifies a true dedication to making aging easier.
When asked why the longevity, she quickly replies, “The leadership, both in senior management and on our boards of directors.” Sarah feels that the work we do at Presbyterian SeniorCare Network is critical to helping older adults age w and that we seek leaders who care about the health of the organization. “Many boards recruit members based solely on their ability to give. While giving is important, it is not the number one priority for us. We chose people who care about the organization, the future of the organization and how to best serve our residents; that is what matters most,” she says.
Sarah’s dedication to our organization and leadership experience naturally led her to include Presbyterian SeniorCare Network in her estate plan. “Presbyterian SeniorCare Network is doing a great job of serving older adults in the way each individual wants to receive services, which is quite frankly, the way everyone should receive services—in a very individualized way. I feel that this philosophy makes the Network a worthy place for me to create a legacy.”
If you are interested in making a planned gift like Sarah, contact Contact Name at 412-826-6195 or at contact email.
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